if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The caring,loving, feeding, vet visits. If its foreclosure, please try and find a Rescue if possible. There ARE situations that leave no other choice than to leave an animal. ), the dog consequently wouldve been euthanised within the hour without even a chance to do it a 2nd time: Reason for me to believe its actually a toddler). I WOULD NEVER GIVE UP MY BABYS FOR ANYTHING I LOVE ALL ANIMALS ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL, SO NO, NO, NO. While I think that Wendy and Lucy could have gotten along living on the streets, Wendy did what she thought was best for Lucy, even though it was a very difficult decision for her to make. I knew what I was getting myself into taking those dogs into my home and hv no regrets.I love them dearly and wd do it all over again as they hv become an essential part of my life. NO ABSOLUTELY NOT !! I personally have faced finding housing that would allow my dogs, a pit bull and a rottie, as a single mother with a low-ish income in a high cost of living area. When a dog is surrendered they should have to give name and drivers license which is entered into the registry. It's to help them. Then I came across an article a couple of weeks ago that talked about a homeless person that had to turn their dog in to the shelter because they had no where to live BUT you know what, they also took a bus for two hours and visited their dog every week until they were able to get back into a home so they could bring the dog home again. Maybe make it like a bankruptcy, so that for 3 or 5 years you cant adopt again, but if at that time you seem to be stable, you can. My heart broke at that picture knowing what was going to happen to those animals. If a person adopts a pet and then is evicted from their home or loses their job then they may not be able to afford to take care of a pet anymore. We are seeing far too many Sr dogs being dumped because they are too cheap and lazy to do right by their companion. Abandonment is what theyre doing, and thats supposed to be a misdemeanor in California. She is a Jack Russell, terrier mix. Maybe a better screening process is needed. After about a year and a half of everyone coexisting peacefully the one and a half-year-old boxer border collie mix decided she was going to not only attack but also try to attack and kill my Tibetan terrier mix. Each person standing in line was there to surrender their dog, despite being told their dogs would likely be euthanized as the overcrowded shelter simply couldnt handle all the unwanted pets. This was two days after my husband left me and my kids high and dry. Wendy ended up being homeless and while she cared very much for her dog, Lucy, she felt that she couldnt give Lucy the kind of life she deserved. YES!! An analogy can be drawn from pregnancy and abortion. Humane Society of Broward County. How do you know theyll do it again? **If you adopted your pet from another shelter or . Shes 18 now and I wouldnt trade one moment with her for anything. If you cant take the time to find a good home and know that will be put down. Surrendering. And absolutely not!! and I have had different pets at home for as long as I can remember. so my answer would be, i think it depends on the situation and how the people go about doing it. In training for him in the course of 2 years I had him in doggie boot camp I had a private trainer my dog was still unpredictable when I lived in my apartment he attached a kid. And I would be heart-broken to find that I couldnt give a wonderful life to MANY dogs because of one mistake when I was young. It's important to know what will take place once you relinquish your pet to a shelter or rescue and also to be aware that there are alternatives. I dont think that means I should never be allowed to adopt. The holding time at a shelter needs to be extended. Of course they should not be allowed to adopt again. So basically it should be based on why there was a previous surrender. And also makes you sound holier than thou. The kicker? You dont need to dump them in a shelter when you leave town any more. Now, some of you think these standards are harsh, but walk on the other side of the road for a minute. Now if the owner passes away and they have no next of kin, than that is another story. Surrender Fees Dog or Cat: $160-230 Rodent: $15 Your surrender fees provide your pet with: 24-hour shelter care Spay/neuter (if applicable) Two meals per day Fresh bedding and toys Medical assessment and care Flea Treatment De-worming I think there is a simple answer to this, No. They should never be allowed to have another pet. Life happened I lost my job and had to move out of my apartment. I just wonder how can they sleep at night. We got a dog from an old neighbor. I think there should be a registry for this, just as there should be a registry for animal abuse. I ended up moving to a 55 and above community in Delaware and of course because of him being a pit people judged him he was known as the killer dog which pissed me off then to make matters worse he broke loose and attacked a dog in that neighborhood so I tried like hell to keep this dog he was a sweetheart.But cops were called again and I was not going to let anybody take him from me and put him down. Animals are not toys to be discarded when they get old or you want a new toy. Still to this day do not no why they had us re homed him. Surrendering a dog means that you are relinquishing ownership of the pet to a shelter or rescue. Hell no! Injured Animal People take jobs and lose jobs but are expected to find work again. That animal is your responsibility! Most animals travel in packs or families and when you abandon them, they know it and they dont ever fully recover. She is part of my family and the choice was mine to make without researching to make the dog is the right fit for me. If adopters who surrender to legitimate organizations are penalized then they will just use other avenues, such as abandoning the animal, claiming it was a stray, or giving it away for free to any scumbag. even if he was kenneled there are chances of it and i could not afford a lawsuite. And dont just trade tears take action go to rescue places tell them you are monitoring and you want to see their books all non profits must make their books and facilities open to public inspection. Shelters yes, are serving a purpose, but humans need to use their brains. If your animal is spayed/neutered, and you can provide paper proof of current vaccines: SPCA's minimum cost of care: $192 - $212. No amount of time would make me trust them again. The majority of people who relinquish their animals do it because they have expended all other options. If your animal is spayed/neutered, and is not current on vaccines: SPCA's minimum cost of care: $257 - $277. Hell, they do t deserve to have a house plant let alone an animal. Anyone that dumps a dog at a kill shelter no, there are always alternatives. Such an irresponsible act should prohibit them from ever adopting a dog from the shelter system EVER again. The veterinarian I went to was wonderful and gave me options. No, they should not be able to adopt again. I think there should be a national registry accessible for every shelter and breeder..anyone to look up to see if there is the name of a person who abused or dumped a dog to a kill shelter. Come to the shelter during business hours. I miss her like crazy and would love to have her back someday if I ever could. ), no ifs or buts about it! There seems to be no easy answer, for me, whether they should be allowed to adopt again. Should I never be able to adopt again because I made the heart-wrenching choice to protect the life of my cat by returning my dog to the shelter, where she had a chance to be adopted by a family who didnt have a cat and would be able to love her without putting another animals life at risk? People in the know, know that shelters arent shelters but concentration camps where most of the animals die. I recognize the fact that Wendy is a very caring individual that has had to deal with some difficult choices in life. She lunged at my face, but I grabbed her collar in the front and held her at arms distance. Even when you are grouchy!!! That being said, if they give them up to a Kill Shelter, they should NOT be allowed to adopt. No they should not be able to adopt again. I definitely do not believe that people whove surrendered dogs should ever be allowed to adopt again. Please allow 72 hours for a response. I hate people who do it dont get me wrong. To purposely throw away a life when there are other choices out there. I have two critters that I have gotten from rescues. More and more pet stores are getting on board with adoption programs too, inviting rescues in to do adoption events, because they realize it may bring in more income for their store and promote the store management as actually caring about animal welfare. If they surrender their pet to a kill shelter knowing that the dog would more likely be euthanized then they should be put on a list that is made public nation wide to all rescue groups, breeders, shelters, etc to prevent them from ever adopting or purchasing a dog or a cat in the future. These folks dont necessarily have a big heart, so much as a desire to bring kill bait to illegal fighting rings. I also give a pass to people who adopt an adult animal only to find that they were a danger to someone else in the home. These are my Children, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. A dog who cared for his charge for years then was thrown away! He had already had two homes by the time we found each other. I also think any person convicted of any type of neglect or abuse of ANY living being should be on all of those lists as well. I dont think they should be able to adopt again. Puppy mills should be shut down and should be a federal offense! As someone who has only had rescues all of my life, I cannot imagine someone doing this intentionally, knowing the outcome. Appointments can be made by calling staff at 336-641-3414. someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should not be allowed to adopt again. Taking on a pet is a life long commitment, like a child. I feel that if an animal has been given a happy life even if for just a few months or years then that is a good thing. Absolutely not! Shelters need to show the same compassion to humans that they claim to show yo animals. We are not bad dog parents. Then we can begin working with them to save more lives. I grew into someone who has 20+ years of experience doing Rescue. I would rather sell my home than give up either of my two dogs. Make sure surrendering your pet at this time is your final decision. My point is that saying someone who is forced to give up a dog they love due to difficult circumstances is from that point on unworthy of the companionship of an adopted pet seems both classist and callous, and all it would accomplish to actually institute such a policy would be that the people who were turned away from adopting would go to breeders and puppy mills instead. Even knowing that they'll be adopted again, you're still going to feel crummy. When he came to me, life was made complete. I have 2 rescued fur dogs ,I was thrown away or she ran away but shes mine for life ,I rescued a chweenie 2 weeks ago from petmart ,I have a chawawa who will be 7 in oct., I dont know what I would do if anyone who them or they got lost which would neve happen for they are leashed or in fenced back yard with me with them anyway , as for being able to adopt again, there are many reasons that a person would give up there animal ,sickness in the family ,elderly people and family dont want them, I read a week or so ago someone adopted a dog and it was to hyper for them ,so they wanted to trade after months , to me ,in this I would say no., this isnt a game ,this is an animals life ,for better or worse , good or bad, its like a child ,when you have 1 you cant shove it back in and say im not ready for you ,to bad ,tough shit ,sorry, when you are given ,buy, or adopt any animal its your for there rest of there lives ,there should be in a computer your information ,to keep take of you and the animals you adopt ,I feel that there should be no kill shelters , I feel each state should help be responsible for shelters , vetting ,feeding ,no person or animal ask to be born ,but , they all deserve a chance at a life ,,, to many animals these days get adopted for all the wrong reasons ,there should be a check up list of sorts ,to many are adopted as bait dogs ,for evil people to fight then against each other ., there should be a good reason why any one gives up an animal and a wait list for 1 yr or more before they can adopt again ,,,,,,,. Ive been involved in rescue since 2001 and during that time, annual estimates of dogs killed by shelters in the US has dropped from 12 million to currently 3 to 4 million. Conditionally, yes they should. If the human is a firstfirst-time pet owner I believe they should take a class, especially if the breed of dog need extra care. Adopting an animal is not a temporary thing but a lifetime commitment. A pet is a Family member nothing less !!!!!!!! I do not believe that someone who gives up a pet should not be allowed to adopt another pet, nor purchase from a breeder (back yard, pet store what have you, but these are only in it for the money so a lot harder to condemn) However, I strongly feel that rescues and shelters should be able to provide assistance when it comes to tough times. I would never give up one of my dogs to these people, they find love, security and socialization at my house. Stop trying to act like you can fully predict what is going to happen in a month or so after getting a pet. To which I say offer to foster as everyone wins and at least when you are 25yrs+ you will know if you want the ten to twenty year commitment or maybe you are just happy fostering a few months at a time. I understand that some people, due to circumstances, dont believe there is any other choice. We should do our best to protect animals by not allowing the same person to abandon another in the future. They are doing what is in the dogs interest rather than selfishly keeping the dog out of their need and then watch the dog die. If he stays here, we will have to put him down due to the low quality of life. How is this possible? ABSOLUTELY NO! A current driver's license or state identification is required to surrender a pet. If they surrender a pet their names should go on a do not adopt registry permantly. He was so gentle that even toddlers could take food from his mouth and he would just stop and walk away. Consulting with a veterinarian or shelter worker regarding an animal's behavior should be done before, not after, surrendering the animal. What if my new pet gets sick? NO ! As long as the shelter didn't violate any laws, then the contract you signed to adopt the dog is legally binding. Some people are heartless and dont want to be bothered with the responsibility, but an overwhelming number of people do it because they dont know what else to do. They should also have to forfeit that right. To just turn around and surrender them to be euthanized? It simply did not work. No in her again!!! You must be 18 years old to surrender an animal. If you have to move because of changeswhy are you moving to a non dog friendly place? People who mistreat, torture, neglect any animal, no-adopt/buy/foster. If you surrender it knowing it will more than likely be euthanized then you dont deserve a pet rock let alone another live animal. i knew there would be children walking in my property to go to school. There are just so many cases that have a back story to them. They told me that it was true- a dog whose hips had given out had no life left to life. If you are no longer able to care for your animal, you can bring him/her to the MSPCA. How is this allowed? Ive had to relinquish ownership of two cats that I had, because my living situation changed so fast, that I had no other options. I would no more bring my dogs and cat to a shelter than I would have my children. There ARE alternatives to surrendering your pet We at Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control may be able to help you keep your pet at home or there may be alternative re-homing options available to you. Our intake program accepts pets Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, and is by appointment only.Your pet will be accepted if there is space available and we will not euthanize a healthy/adoptable animal to make space for another animal. Pet Surrender Resources to Consider Before Surrender* We understand how difficult it is to make the decision to surrender your pet. They should ever be able to adopt another dog. A pet is a commitment, the life of the animal commitment. No. Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. I called everyone I knew and asked what to do. We tried everything to find out what was wrong , we did 3 different trainers , also very pricey doggie shrink at $400.00 a hour and had to drive to a near by state to see her, after 5 trips she told us that she didnt know what was going on with the dog. Thats just heartless. They absolutely should NOT be able to adopt again. No way. No way anyone that could just give up baby to a shelter doesnt deserve to own another . Click here for the breakdown of prices. People get cute little puppies, dont research the breed and they want to get rid of them when the dog gets too big. Doesnt mean they shouldnt be allowed to have an animal again. I worked Animal Control for several years and there are very few that should be allowed to adopt again, but there were a very few that I would have to say because of the circumstances, I would have to say yes. these are living creatures not old cars to be traded in for a newer model. On the other hand, it is important to keep adoption initially affordable enable to get pets into homes. At first, my initial response was going to be no. I still think about those poor cats, but Im proof that people can change, and children can learn to do better than their parents. This is the best circumstance because you will already have a better chance of seeing your dog again and the odds are in your favor the home will be a good one. These poor animals go through so much anywayhow cruel to put them back into a shelter only to die. only one chance at a lifetime with the pet! This is a system that needs new rules and the dogs are suffering by the irresponsible weak laws we have to protect them. I do know that a very small number of people cannot keep their dogs BUT they are the minority. Again, Absolutely NOT!!! We have no money. Surrender fees are collected at the time of the intake to help provide for your pet while in the care of HSSV. They love and trust us to be there for them just as they are there for us. People live on very restricted budget. It is a home that someone made a shelter for those who are having hard time in this economy and its a remarkable thing that their are good people out there still in this world that are able to help those in need. So I say no to those who dont care that their pets will be killed or not. My family has adopted half a dozen dogs throughout my lifetime and all of them have been incredible. I know each person has their reason, and ive had to give up a few pets of mine in the past for specific reasons, but i NEVER take them to a kill shelter, and most of the time i find someone whom i trust to take them in as their own pets. I probably should have thought better the second time; I really believed my cat would be OK with a dog as she had before. This site contains affiliate links. Still, person after person abandoned the dog they, at one point, had promised to love and provide for forever. Some of these dogs make it out, they are rescued, fostered or adopted. Well 30 days go by fast. Of the dogs we rescue over 4-5 years old up to the serious seniors all need dental work that costs rescue about $1000 each. I feel that people who give up their pets just because they dont want them anymore should not be able to adopt from any shelter. I cried the whole way to the shelter, throughout the surrendering process, and on the drive back. All my dogs have been rescued, this last one has struggled with some issue but that only makes me love her more. They can never adopt again! Landlords, required moves, developed allergies, finances, time requirement changes, no space, other health issues, and on and on. I live on a farm a deal with a dozen cats and 2 to 3 dogs a year. Who did the research for this article? We understand there are times when families must consider surrendering a pet. This browser for the next time i comment here, we will have to put them back into a needs. That leave no other choice amount of time would make me trust them again caring, loving,,. More than likely be euthanized of it and i could not afford lawsuite. Think it depends on the other side of the pet to a shelter than would! Long as i can not imagine someone doing this intentionally, knowing the.. 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if you surrender a pet can you adopt again