tornado ukraine battalion

They barricaded themselves in their base (the school premises), booby-trapped the approaches and said they were ready to use weapons in the event of an assault. The action was part of a live-fire training exercise for new recruits on a recent morning outside the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. It was formed from Anti-Terrorist Operation veterans, a "Shakhtyorsk" police special unit, that was disbanded due to looting and war crimes. The case itself was reported to consist of 86 volumes. After some time, they took him out of the basement ("the pit") and while he was in a sitting position, some unidentified individuals beat his legs and back with an iron pipe. While a Ukrainian Army officer was giving the orders, the trainees were members of a volunteer Chechen battalion that also mixed in some Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians. Once again, let us turn to the information that a correspondent of Novaya Gazeta* was able to obtain from a former "Tornado" member:You could roughly divide the Tornado personnel into three groups. In a key test of Ukraine's justice system, a Kiev court in April imprisoned former members of the disbanded, pro-Ukrainian "Tornado battalion" for torturing and sexually assaulting civilians in . The victims included male and female rape victims who asked to remain anonymous. The court ordered that all of them be charged 7,750 hryvnyas (about 263 USD) for court costs. Ukraine also lost control of the UkrainianRussian border and this allowed a large inflow of insurgents and military supplies from Russia. 03/26/2022. Tornado Battalion fighters training to help wounded soldiers at their base in Luhansk Oblast. The Ukrainian President published a photograph on his social media channels showing one of his security escorts bearing a patch referencing the personal bodyguard unit of Adolf Hitler. In the 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary election several members of the battalions were elected into the Ukrainian parliament. They tried to make him confess to having detonated an explosion at a military checkpoint, which he did not do. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine formed the Tornado battalion in September 2014 on the basis of the personnel of the Shakhtersk national battalion disbanded due to looting and crimes against the population. Among other things, three of the defendants were charged with committing crimes under Part 3 of Article 153 of the Criminal Code (sexual indulgence in perverse forms committed repeatedly or by a group of persons). Was Turkey's Earthquake Really Caused by a 'Super Space Weapon'? He did well. The Ukrainians and the Azov regiment have been doing an excellent job of 'de-nazifying' Ukraine. Since 30 April 2014, all territorial defence battalions have been part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and fall under the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the governors of the oblasts (provinces) in which they were created. The Tornado-S is a deep upgrade to this system. Rallies of support for the Tornadoes were held outside the court building and supporters threatened to take the building by storm. The then Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios commented situation: Matios reported that every fourth Tornado fighter had a criminal record. However, they never rushed there, preferring to engage in torture, provocation, mockery and robbery behind the lines.Among the released former fighters of the punitive battalion is Danil Lyashuk, known by his moniker "Mujahid". The victims did not believe that the same authorities who had thrown them to the mercy of the Tornado fighters would give the battalion a fair trial: today they are behind bars and tomorrow they'll be free taking revenge on those who dared to testify against them (spoiler: indeed that is what happened the defendants were later released). Nevertheless, the formation of the new national battalion was not kept secret.The public learned about the crimes of the Shakhtyorsk battalion almost straight away. This was mainly done with the aim of seizing property from the victims and further intimidating them.According to the prosecutor, the most brutal forms of violence were sexual offences against men, committed in a particularly perverse form, with the entire process being recorded on mobile phones. There's nothing like raising your vitality when you have someone's life in your hands, says Mujahid. After a while, a man, holding a grey plastic pipe, came in and started hitting the detainees present on their buttocks and thighs. [15] By law, every oblast in Ukraine should create its own territorial defence battalions.[5]. He is on trial for molesting his own young children. Later, SBU officers deceived Mr M. by promising to exchange him for the UAF fighters who were being held captive by illegal armed groups, and forced him to testify about his involvement in terrorist activities. It was not until 20 February 2015 that the detainee was transferred, as specified in the investigating judge's ruling, to his lawful place of detention - the Starobelsk pre-trial detention facilities where upon admission he was found to have sustained injuries inflicted on the day of his detention, on 10 February 2015, and marks which remained 10 days after his detention.A high-profile criminal case against members of the Tornado battalion is known from the reported cases of sexual violence against men. Since February, videos have been appearing on social networks in which Lyashuk with a weapon in his hands says that he is fighting as a member of the Ukrainian Army.This perverted sadist, Mujahid, is currently at the front. During the fight against the "separatists", almost every resident of the settlement went through the illegal detention facilities organised by the Tornado battalion members.On 10 February 2015, fighters from the Tornado battalion and the Chernigov special police battalion led by SBU officers detained a pensioner M, who lived in the so-called LPR-controlled territory, at a checkpoint in Stanitsa Luganskaya settlement, Lugansk region. The Obolonsky regional court of Kiev announced the sentences of militants of the "Tornado" battalion, which were accused of tortures, rapes, and the murders of civilians of Donbass. He wrote out the roles and lines. In turn, the men accused the Luhansk Oblast police chief Anatoly Naumenko (an authority in the Kiev controlled part of Luhansk) of running a protection racket for smuggling cast iron from rebel occupied territory . Despite the enormous amount of circumstantial evidence, it is very difficult to prove murder unless a body is found. And forced the prisoners to do all this, and if they refused, they were beaten until they agreed. I told Ruslan that I would not do that. "The Shakhtyorsk battalion, having fought beautifully at Ilovaisk, was disbanded by ministerial order because of repeated incidents of looting in Volnovakha and other instances". There has been scary rumours about their basements". They put me in the basement An hour or two passed Onishchenko arrived and was glad they had brought me. It should be recalled that the victims and survivors of the crimes, first and foremost, the raped men, asked for a closed trial. Then, according to the reports, they were held for some time with plastic bags over their heads, subjected to beatings and forced to do hard, dirty work.Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov personally disbanded Shakhtyorsk. According to the military prosecutor's office, the fighters of this battalion practiced extrajudicial killings, torture and rape against civilians. There's nothing like raising your vitality when you have someone's life in your hands, says Mujahid.From an article published by Novaya Gazeta*, a former Tornado fighter's story about Mujahid:He was the one who came up with the idea of scripting role-playing scenarios of same-sex torture-rape. "The Blacks were fighters who were not formally recruited because they had criminal records; Freeman actively recruited them into the Tornado. . The neighbour found her the next morning behind the bed, the granny was dead. They promised to feed us three times a day and give us cigarettes. The legal counsels and the Tornado members themselves used this catch. Court and prosecutor's office staff members at one point began to walk into the trial with umbrellas. [3] It is unclear whether those airborne troops attempted an airdrop or air assault or drove down, possibly with the long convoy previously reported. "A dozen fighters stole a young girl and raped her for 10 days until the child died. The base is located in the village of Privolye near the Lugansk People's Republic city of Lisichansk, which was recently liberated by Russian and allied . They justified their rail terrorism by citing "the struggle against smuggling, corruption and illegal arms trade". For instance, members of "tornado" battalion accused of kidnappings, tor-ture and rape, denied their responsibility, claiming that they had kept in the places of detention ("in basements") only the "separatists"3. After two years, the situation in the east of Ukraine remains volatile and may develop into a 'frozen conflict', creating a protracted environment of insecurity It is unknown what they really agreed upon with the Tornado fighters, but later Avakov said that the battalion obeyed his orders and respected discipline and order.What Criminal Charges Did the Tornado Fighters Face?Here are just some of the charges the Tornado fighters were tried on:There are no charges under the article murder among those listed. According to the former MP Ihor Mosiychuk, Mujahid, who received a ten-year sentence, was released back in the summer of 2021. The truth about their methods of "working with civilians" was too shocking to justify. On 17 June 2015, eight members of the battalion, including battalion commander Ruslan Onishchenko, were detained. The Ukrainian nationalist battalion called Tornado was disbanded in 2014. justify the war crimes, committed by the Ukrainian units, by the state of war. 47. The Special Police Forces (Ukrainian: ) is a Ukrainian volunteer corps of law enforcement units, part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Both the prosecution and the defence said that they were going to appeal against the verdict as one side considered it too lenient and the other too severe.Zelensky Frees Tornado and Sends Back to the FrontIn February 2022, prisoners with military experience who were ready to take part in combat activity, under martial law, started to be released from their places of detention, a prosecutor's office official, Andriy Sinyuk, told reporters.Later, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainians with combat experience were released from detention and had all sanctions lifted.The criminals released under the emergency amnesty are now not just at large; they were given weapons. "Mujahid (Danil Lyashuk), a supporter of the Islamic State (a terrorist organisation outlawed in Russia), according to Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoliy Matios, was known for his exceptional cruelty:"Lyashuk committed with extreme cynicism and audacity, cruelty and ruthlessness the most brutal torture of the local population of Lugansk region, organised and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he and other suspects abducted for profit.The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. Latest Veterans News. It was winter. In March, RT correspondent Maria Finoshina visited the abandoned base of the Ukrainian nationalist Aidar battalion and talked with former prisoners of the nationalists. They immediately received an assault rifle and were trained by more experienced fighters. [5] These resources soon proved to be inadequate and numerous groups have helped to equip the battalions. They repeatedly tried to storm the courthouse. , c , , , . , , 454/2014 , "In Nikolaev create the armed battalion of territorial self-defence for situation deduction in the region", "Promised Remedies Transformation 34 Battalion territorial defence", . Whichever one you like, the code does not define it as an assault. Remember when Zelensky said he would release prisoners with . Moreover, survivors and witnesses of torture were simply afraid to testify against their torturers. The Tornado battalion itself was born out of the remains of the fascist Shakhtarsk battalion, which was disbanded after its members were accused of human . [25][26], On 10 November 2014 Stepan Poltorak, the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, ordered territorial defence battalions to reorganize as motorized infantry battalions.[27][28]. They accounted for half of the battalion. It shows his communication with Ukrainian volunteer Volodymyr Savanchuk and his wife Svetlana. 11 September 2015. Most of the citizens who experienced the so-called "mop-up" refused to describe their stories in writing, fearing for their safety. The police, to whom the Tornado battalion reported the defection of a subordinate, often found those who managed to get home. Ruslan Onyshchenko, the commander of the Tornado Volunteer Battalion of the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior and seven of his men were arrested on June 17 accused of rape and torture. They immediately received an assault rifle and were trained by more experienced fighters. The fighters could come into any house and take whatever they liked.There was an old woman living nearby on Lebedinskogo Street, paralysed, her children had fled the shelling when the conflict started, and her neighbour was looking after her. Tornado's members were detained, placed in a pre-trial detention center. Ukraine's Tornado Battalion Resisting Disarmament, Shoots Police Drone. One photo shows Nazi graffiti left on a wall. Lilia Ukrainskaya, a well-known volunteer who delivered food to the Tornado battalion, reported the following: From the testimony given by the victims in court: There was an old woman living nearby on Lebedinskogo Street, paralysed, her children had fled the shelling when the conflict started, and her neighbour was looking after her. Reduction of five years in prison with the 'yes is yes' law for the man who raped and killed an 83-year-old woman, Pushilin: Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to counterattack in the Ugledar direction, Belgian Finance Ministry: Brussels freezes Russian assets worth 58 billion. On one day, another detainee and I were forced, under threat of murder, to rape a third detainee who was stripped naked and tied to a support. Onishchenko was taken into custody for 11 years, another 11 fighters - for terms ranging from 5-10 years. 107 Followers Follow. Some members of the national battalion have been accused of paedophilia.Popular opinions were split: some, despite the evidence of crimes against Ukrainian civilians, believed in the innocence of the former "national heroes", while others wanted a fair trial and retribution. On September 13, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky made a surprise trip to the city of Izyum in the Kharkov Region for a photo op following his military's recapture of the town from Russian forces. Some members of the group were given sentences ranging from 7 to 12 years. However, neither the names of the generals who smuggled weapons into the LPR and DPR, nor any evidence were provided by the Tornado members, either during the trial or afterwards.On 17 June 2015, eight members of the battalion, including battalion commander Ruslan Onishchenko, were detained. He would show this video to half the battalion. According to former Tornado members, there was no hurry to officially recruit them, although Freeman promised that after the training they would be registered according to all the regulations. 6 May 2014 Ukraine began a second stage of mobilization. During the fight against the "separatists", almost every resident of the settlement went through the illegal detention facilities organised by the Tornado battalion members. "I have a creative proposal to our German friends. They justified their rail terrorism by citing "the struggle against smuggling, corruption and illegal arms trade". The public learned about the crimes of the Shakhtyorsk battalion almost straight away. After the brutal beating, he was in a painful condition and could not orientate himself in time, so he cannot clearly remember the sequence of events. The battalions receive basic resources and weapons from the Interior Ministry or the Ministry of Defence. Once again, let us turn to the information that a correspondent of Novaya Gazeta* was able to obtain from a former "Tornado" member: You could roughly divide the Tornado personnel into three groups. 15 July 2022. Court and prosecutor's office staff members at one point began to walk into the trial with umbrellas.Rallies of support for the Tornadoes were held outside the court building and supporters threatened to take the building by storm. Mujahid came up with the idea of shooting a movie in the basement involving prisoners, he called it just like that the cinema", says one of the battalion fighters, for whom the prosecutor's office has no questions and he was not prosecuted. This includes 9,371 people killed and 21,532 injured 4. Both agreed that a public trial was needed. Here is a video of the 'lineup' that Onishchenko, a battalion commander and repeated criminal, held for those who were disillusioned and wanted to leave the Tornado. . "Throughout my detention in the basement, I do not remember the exact number of days, but for more than 15, the police came to the basement several times a day, tied me to a support, beat me with their hands and feet, poured water on me, and tortured me with electric shocks. The philosophy is all like this. If they got killed, the Tornado had nothing to do with it they were not officially listed, just like the Blacks. [31] In social media statements by the TDF, several previously unseen battalion numbers (some exceeding the theoretical 150 number), such as the 103rd,[32] 124th,[33] 130th,[34] 251st [35] etc. They tried to make him confess to having detonated an explosion at a military checkpoint, which he did not do. The men were also subjected to torture with an object similar to an electric generator. The ex-commander of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion "Tornado" Ruslan Onishchenko was released from prison - he spent seven years out of 11 in prison. There are reports that the former Tornado members have seized APCs and additional weapons from the Ukrainian Armed Forces and have started doing their usual business.The Tornado criminals are in no hurry to go to the front line. The head of the breakaway Donetsk People's Republic in Ukraine has been seen in a video awarding a medal to a fighter for helping to kill "more than 250 nationalists." Published on April 3 through . In 2015, criminal proceedings were opened against members of the Tornado special-purpose police battalion. According to the prosecutor, the most brutal forms of violence were sexual offences against men, committed in a particularly perverse form, with the entire process being recorded on mobile phones. But Tornado outdid the latter in the heinousness of its crimes., The Tornado Case: Atrocities and Sadism Among Ukrainian Nazi Police Battalions, "Tornado" is a national police battalion that was put on trial in Ukraine for numerous atrocities on Ukrainian territory. Nikolai Tsukur received nine years in prison and was stripped of his rank of police lieutenant. However, the Ukrainian government was in for a surprise when it realized it did not have the authority to control these battalions after all. It was linked to the Shakhtersk volunteer battalion, which was disbanded for systematic looting. The "Whites", fighters that were former police officers who were discharged or had not been re-certified in the summer of 2015 and came to serve in the battalion. After the beating, they dragged the man to the pit as he fainted several times. It was originally created for prevention of criminal encroachment and defence of civil order on 15 April 2014, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ruslan Onishchenko, a former commander of the Tornado volunteer battalion, is one such example.According to witnesses and leaks, Onishchenko, together with his team and other criminals involved, has formed a new battalion stationed near Kiev. In 2022 the Territorial Defense Forces were created as a successor of the old territorial defense battalions. According to former Tornado members, there was no hurry to officially recruit them, although Freeman promised that after the training they would be registered according to all the regulations. He came up with a plot, such as Givi and Motorola, the separatist commanders, rape their boss, Alexander Zakharchenko. Then Ruslan Onishchenko told us to rape him. In addition, he was in the basement in darkness and could not observe the change of day and night. The Ukrainian General Staff confirmed on March 4 that Ukrainian Special Forces killed 50 soldiers belonging to the Russian 31st Airborne Brigade based at Ulyanovsk in fighting in Hostomel on March 3. 2,654 Fans Like. 22nd Territorial Defence Battalion "Kharkiv", General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 24th Territorial Defence Battalion "Aidar", 34th Territorial Defence Battalion "Batkivshchyna", 40th Territorial Defence Battalion "Kryvbas", 1st Independent Motorized Infantry Battalion, 2nd Independent Motorized Infantry Battalion, "Undeclared War: Putin's Covert Invasion of Eastern Ukraine", "Ukraine crisis: Why the U.S. isn't tougher on Russia", ">Territorial Defense Battalions (BTrO / BTD)", "Ukraine's volunteer battalions: The new model army", , , , , . the conflict area in eastern Ukraine, among Ukrainian armed forces, civilians and members of the armed groups. To get rid of the defenders. "Tornado" is a national police battalion that was put on trial in Ukraine for numerous atrocities on Ukrainian territory. Onishchenko took a ski stick and hit me on the legs and genitals no less than 30 times, the witness said.The man said that after the beatings, he wanted to commit suicide. I did not want to live, so I ripped off a piece of rusty metal from the door and started to slit my wrists.*Photos:1. Members of Ukraine's . [5] Battalions generally took their name from wherever most of their recruits were from. Here is how he commented on his actions on Ukrainian television:In other words, he knew of at least some of the crimes, and even then, in 2014, the obvious criminals were deliberately not put on trial and were never punished, but simply assigned to other "volunteer battalions" (ed. Following the discontinuation of Special Operations Militia Battalion Shakhtarsk (which had been created at the initiative of the member of parliament Oleh Liashko and fought near Ilovaisk), Ministry of Interior detachment Saint . It was formed from Anti-Terrorist Operation veterans, a "Shakhtyorsk" police special unit, that was disbanded due to looting and war crimes. "Mujahid (Danil Lyashuk), a supporter of the Islamic State (a terrorist organisation outlawed in Russia), according to Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoliy Matios, was known for his exceptional cruelty: "Lyashuk committed with extreme cynicism and audacity, cruelty and ruthlessness the most brutal torture of the local population of Lugansk region, organised and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he and other suspects abducted for profit. Says Mujahid that every fourth Tornado fighter had a criminal record numerous atrocities on Ukrainian territory parliamentary election members! 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tornado ukraine battalion