spo transportation officer duty description

Executing policies and standards concerning enlisted soldier performance, training, appearance, and conduct. Coordinating veterinary activities with the surgeon and other staff. Serves as the deputy support operations officer within the 1916th Support Battalion. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to NETOPS include-, D-78. Maintaining the unit readiness status of each unit in the command. The assistant or deputy AVCOORD is a permanent position on the staff, representing the AVCOORD. Assessing keeps staffs informed of the situation and provides them with current RI. Adjusting plans and orders based on feedback. Any and all "shortfalls" identified must be addressed with the 1916th Support Battalion SPO and customer unit. Coordinating with the G-3 (S-3) and G-1/AG (S-1) on equipping replacement personnel and units. Advising the Army commander on Air Force weather capabilities, limitations, and the ways in which weather can enhance operations. Integrating space support, IO (with the G-7), and fire support into all operations. Coordinating staff officers establish procedures for coordinating and integrating special staff activities within their individual fields of interest. Secretary of the General Staff. Coordinating airspace control measures to support AMD operations. Supervising the command and personnel security programs. Staff members present recommendations orally or in writing. Analyzing operational effects on the environment and assessing its status. The commander's staff must function as a single, cohesive unit-a professional team. The PM augments the staff with a small planning cell that typically works within the G-3. Coordinating the allocation of petroleum products to subordinate units. Staffs require the minimum number of reports from subordinates consistent with the commander's need for information. Advising the command and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on public health issues involving military operations. Coordinating with the ENCOORD, G-2 (S-2), G-5 (S-5), and surgeon to establish environmental vulnerability protection levels. They are trained, innovative, and adaptive transportation and logistics leaders who are grounded in the Army Values and can operate throughout the JIIM environment. In order to meet a 1-7 there needs to be knowledge that is used to plan, schedule, and conduct projects. Providing technical assistance to supported units. This job description is intended to present an illustrative description of the range of duties, the scope of responsibility and the required level of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to describe the essential functions of the job. The IMCOORD, RI officer, and INFOSYS officer manage available networked means to collect, process, display, store, and disseminate RI needed to maintain and disseminate the COP. Coordinating procurement, storage, issue, and distribution of section equipment. MAJOR DUTIES Serves as the 1916th Support Battalion, Deputy SPO with responsibilities and functions within a military Combat Support Sustainment Battalion (CSSB). Overseeing cost capturing to support requests for funding authority for operations and requests to replace funds shifted from other programs (for example, mission training) to support an operation. Accountability involves the duty to maintain accurate records for government property. Determining requirements or opportunities for MD operations (with the G-2). Participating in COA and decision support template development (with the G-2 [S-2] and fire support coordinator [FSCOORD]). Participating in targeting team meetings. Whether you serve part-time or full-time as an enlisted Soldier or Army Office, you'll earn competitive pay with opportunities for bonuses, as well as receive health care at little to no cost. The G-5 (S-5) establishes the civil-military operations center, evaluates civil considerations during mission analysis (identifying the civil centers of gravity), and prepares the groundwork for transitioning the AO from military to civilian control. Helping the commander develop the unit's mission essential task list (METL). Providing input to the CIMP so the G-6/IMCOORD and the battle staff can provide RI and INFOSYS technical support. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. D-10. Records management, including finance, legal services, and command information. Providing guidance for actions related to expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and documents. They may also earn additional compensation in the form of overtime. Ensure complete and coherent staff actions. Integrating and managing the ISR effort through an integrated staff process and procedure. The ACOS, G-1/AG (S-1) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning human resources support (military and civilian). Staff section records, especially those providing RI for the commander. Staff officers are listed under the coordinating, special, and personal staff group to which they belong. [email protected] | 602.622.6517. Here is an account of my time, perhaps you will see similarities and maybe even possible options. Directing and supervising staff planning. Coordinating Staff Responsibility for Special Staff Officers, D-90. Providing intelligence support to targeting, to include participating in targeting meetings, developing targets, planning target acquisition, and tracking high-payoff targets (HPTs). Providing AWOL and desertion statistical data to the G-1/AG through the G-3. Operations and Plans. Treat them like gold, but dont abuse the Support Battalion personnel in the process. Administrative support for military and civilian personnel, including leaves, passes, counseling, transfers, awards, and personal affairs. D-72. Coordinating with the G-7 to ensure synchronization of PSYOP. Sergeant's Time Training. The veterinary officer is responsible for coordinating assets and activities concerning veterinary service within the command. Coordinating, planning, and directing all C4OPS support interfaces with joint and multinational forces, including HN support interfaces. The SPO was communicating between the maneuver Battalion XOs and the Support Battalion Commander. Although I am still in the learning phase, I would like to add some comments here to help any future SPOs. Staff members manage administrative activities within their own staff sections. Force development and modernization includes-. A transportation officer is authorized at corps (CTO) and divisions (DTO). D-22. Intelligence synchronization includes-, D-53. Good staff coordination requires personal initiative, a spirit of cooperation, and the genuine interest of each staff member. Establishing, operating, and supervising technical intelligence reporting procedures. Debriefing friendly personnel when necessary. Corps and divisions are normally authorized an RM or comptroller. Explore the many benefits that not only provide support to you and your family, but can also help you advance in the Army and in your civilian life. Providing safety training to the local civilian labor force. Integrating and synchronizing plans and orders. Medical evacuation, including Army dedicated medical evacuation platforms (air and ground). Submitting taskings for OPSEC tasks to subordinate units through the G-7 (S-7) to the G-3 (S-3). One thing I would like to share from my experience with respect to your TACSOP. Recommending to the G-3 (S-3) the ADA ammunition RSR. Staff members make recommendations to help commanders reach decisions and establish policies. The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Branches. A CSM is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. You will also be in charge of controlling and supervising a platoon of truck drivers and assisting the commander as the executive . The knowledge is applied in developing new or modified work methods, organizational structures, records and files, management processes, staffing patterns, procedures for administrative support functions. Coordinating the availability of commercial INFOSYS and information services for military use with the G-5 (S-5). Providing military justice advice and performing military justice duties prescribed in the. Before reactivating PD, please correct the following:FLSAFunctional CodeCompetitive Level CodeWorks under the general supervision of the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations (SPO) Officer (O-4/MAJOR), who outlines work and provides broad general policies, objectives, and priorities; and is available to discuss problems and/or new policies, long range plans and special projects. Staff section leaders supervise their personnel. Providing liaison to indigenous religious leaders (with the G-5 [S-5]). Coordinating the requisition, acquisition, and storage of supplies and equipment, and the maintenance of materiel records. Take a few minutes to create or upgrade your resume. D-31. Factor 8 Agree: Slight physical effort may be requiredh. Determining the medical workload requirements (patient estimates), (based on casualty estimates determined by the G-1/AG [S-1]). Graduate of the 80 hour Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning Course (UMODPC) taught/approved by the US Army Transportation School. Conducting liaison with media representatives to provide accreditation, mess, billet, transport, and escort as authorized and appropriate. Transportation officers are our Armys deployment and distribution experts, effectively supporting expeditionary forces. When visiting subordinate units, staff members call on the subordinate unit commander to explain the visit's purpose. Employee also develops new policies and procedures as needed.d. I think the best way to write a TACSOP is to write it based on how your unit already does things. Primary duty consistent with 5 CFR 551 (e.g. TALOs are normally authorized at corps, divisions, regiments, and separate brigades. At maneuver brigade through corps, the FSCOORD is also the commander of the field artillery unit supporting the force. Drug Test Required: Your Army salary is just one part of the total compensation Soldiers earn. Providing expertise to other staff sections on special forces, ranger, and special operations aviation employment, doctrine, and TTP. Staffs collect, process, store, display, and disseminate information that flows continuously into their headquarters. Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 (S-3), Operations. Classroom instruction will be provided at the U.S. Army Logistics Management College, Fort Lee, Virginia. The number of special staff officers and their responsibilities vary with authorizations, the desires of the commander, and the size of the command. Sergeant's Time Training (STT) affords a prime opportunity for developing our first line leaders while they gain confidence of their soldiers. Collecting and analyzing operational data for on-the-spot adjustments in the medical support structure and for postwar combat and material-development studies. Coordinating planning, and directing the use of C2 INFOSYS and automation software and hardware employed by the command. They are also familiar with the responsibilities and duties of other staff members. While in the Transportation Corps, you will have the opportunity to command specialized transportation units focused on supporting global operations. The G-2 (S-2) has coordinating staff responsibility for the staff weather officer. RecommendationAdd something into the major duties stating that the person will need to analyze information, programs, etc in order to advise effectively.Kimberly DarnallClassification and Staffing. Facilitating staff presentation of RI according to quality criteria of accuracy, timeliness, usability, completeness, precision, and reliability. When line units in the brigade need logistical support from the Brigade Support Battalion, their requests are sent to the Support Operations Officer (SPO). Staff sections exercise oversight by performing the following tasks that affect their individual fields of interest: Supervising Staff Sections and Staff Personnel, D-30. The Government SAP Security Officer, or GSSO, and the Contractor Program Security Officer, or CPSO, provide hands-on security administration and management at the facility level, whether The support operations or materiel officer is the principal staff officer for coordinating logistics and combat health support.  , (01/24/2017 DJF) PD not in use. MLT commander responsibilities include-, D-114. Coordinating with the IG and PM on unsafe trends identified during inspections. Administrative movements, including onward movement from ports of debarkation, CSS movements, and other movements the G-3 directs. Providing family support at home station. Managing or conducting all EO education and training programs within the command. Reporting incidents through channels to regional computer emergency response team and Army Computer Emergency Response team. Disseminating air defense ROE, weapons control status, and air defense warnings to subordinate units. An IG is authorized for general officers in command and selected installation commanders. OPSEC officer responsibilities include-, D-124. The value of a close relationship between the commander and COS cannot be overstated. Avoid conflict and duplication by adjusting plans or policies before implementation. Helping the company FSO adjust NGF, in the absence of a spotter. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. D-4. Supervise personnel within the Support Operations Office. Conducting NBC reconnaissance operations and coordinating them with the overall ISR plan. Exceptions to 22-4504. Distributing the MD plan on a need-to-know basis. Combat health logistics, including blood management. Coordinating with the G-7 and PSYOP officer on trends in public opinion. The work ensures that vital logistical support operations are provided at the right time and place to support mission accomplishment. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Coordinating with the commander, COS (XO), and G-6 (S-6) to establish, oversee, and supervise battle staff IM activities of the CP. D-32. Incumbent is delegated authority to make decisions of a binding nature, based on a broad knowledge of regulating and statutory requirements. Conducting inspections, surveys, and assessments, as the commander requires, and monitoring corrective actions. Recording and reporting data for information, planning and programming, allocation, and justification (manpower reports). The ACOS, G-1/AG exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the IG, when required. This practice allows commanders to focus on the overall operation. Get driver's license. Recommending to the G-7 the deception target, deception objective, and deception story. Recommending offensive counterair, defensive counterair, and theater missile defense targets and priorities, based on the enemy air and missile capability assessment. Always explain it in terms of problem, why it is a problem, how to fix and the fix. Coordinating with the FSCOORD and G-2 (analysis and control element) to identify opportunities for conducting effective EA. Coordinating air defense sensor management. Once all of the calculations are made, the TMR (Transportation Movement Request) is filled out and sent to the BN S3. Helping the G-2 (S-2) arrange indirect weather support, such as tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, for subordinate units. Preparing plans and policies to govern the assignment of replacement personnel. Planning and ensuring that deployed nonmilitary INFOSYS are open and nonproprietary, with commonly accepted standards and protocols that interoperate with military INFOSYS. IG responsibilities include-, (AR 20-1 discusses IG responsibilities and duties. However, during activities such as conferences and special events, employee is required to walk long distances, climb stairs, use portable radios, and carry equipment weighing up to 50 pounds. Identifying specified and implied tasks needed to accomplish the mission. Managing the organization and administration of the headquarters. The plan must be thorough, but easy to understand, so the Soldier . Satisfying requirements through intelligence reach. Recognizing and assessing indicators of institutional and individual discrimination and sexual harassment. Conducting PSYOP to support the overall operation. D-3. A deputy FSCOORD or fire support officer (FSO) assists the FSCOORD. Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), Office of the Chief of Reserve Affairs (OCRA), Tranportation Management Training Department (TMTD), Army Driver Standardization Office (ADSO), Maritime and Intermodal Training Department (MITD). Providing fund ceilings to subordinate units. A support operations officer or materiel officer is authorized in support commands and battalions. Thats what the Soldiers care about. You've added the maximum number of jobs to your list. Facilitating media efforts to cover operations by expediting the flow of complete, accurate, and timely information. Coordinating, planning, and directing communications protocols and user interfaces from within the Global Information Grid (GIG) to the Tactical Internet, for all BOSs. Developing the ISR annex to plans and orders (with the rest of the staff). Staff Planning and Supervision. Providing the G-2 (S-2) information gained from civilians in the AO. Managing and controlling information network capabilities and services. Surgeon responsibilities include-, D-98. Counterterrorism and antiterrorism activities. Advising the commander on unit intelligence production capabilities and limitations. D-103. This appendix describes the responsibilities and duties commonly performed by staff officers assigned to the headquarters of Army organizations in the field, from battalion through corps. Air Liaison Officer. Staff members ensure that the intended recipients receive the commander's decisions and understand and execute them within the commander's intent. Coordinating and supervising movement, internal arrangement, and space allocation. Evaluating physical security vulnerabilities (to support the G-3 [S-3] and G-7 [S-7]). Advising on command health services and health matters concerning occupied or friendly territory within the AO. Responsibility is the duty to safeguard government property within one's control. Coordinating all classes of supply except class VIII (which is coordinated through medical supply channels). 2.5Battalion S-4 Brigade S4 of a Corps Military Police Brigade that provides law enforcement and force protection support to III (US) Corps and Fort Hood and deploys worldwide on contingency operations. Managing intelligence requirements, to include-. PURPOSE 1. Active-duty Soldiers and Officers also have ongoing training to keep their skills sharp, so they stay ready for anything. This HSS cell includes a medical operations officer, a medical plans and operations NCO, and a medical logistics officer (MLO). I hope someone finds this useful. Note: Shared supervision or matrix management responsibility for a project team does not meet the above criteria. In order to meet the 1-7 analyzing needs to be added because it is such a big part of the position. This appendix first discusses the common responsibilities and duties of all staff members. Evaluating enemy PSYOP efforts and the effectiveness of friendly PSYOP on target groups (with the G-2 and G-5). D-102. Maintaining communications with subordinate unit NCOs and other enlisted soldiers, through the NCO support channel. Staff members visit subordinate units for several reasons. Coordinating transportation assets for other Services. They seek to identify problems affecting their fields of interest or the entire command. I am the chair, but the BDE 4 is the decision maker. Administrative Analysis Grade Evaluation Guide.3. Casualty reporting, notification, and assistance. Ensuring IO supports achieving information superiority. D-100. Logistic operations and plans (general) includes-, D-67. Marine Liaison Team Commander. D-11. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to IM include-. Preparing the engineer battlefield assessment in assisting the G-2 (S-2) with IPB. Organization for combat, resource allocations, and command and support relationships. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to C4OPS (general) include-. The personal staff officers discussed here are the-, D-128. Supporting unit linguist requirements through identifying all foreign-language-skilled soldiers in the organization, regardless of MOS. CHAPTER 5: MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS 5-1. Id like to chime in to my article and tell you that my first job in the Active Duty Army was working in a Support Operations Office (for a month or two). Planning and coordinating essential fire support tasks. Advise commanders and staffs on inspection policy. I really appreciate it. The shabu was public property for which petitioner was accountable. (ATO and ACO information is normally received electronically through the Army Battle Command System (ABCS), which receives it from the Theater Battle Management Core System. Served as the Operations Officer for a Brigade Support Battalion's Support Operations shop assisting with planning, preparation, and command and control of all sustainment/support operations for the 3rd Brigade Combat Team in the 25th Infantry Division; supporting a brigade consisting of over 4,600 Soldiers and . I posses the unique capability to plan, coordinate and synchronize . The G-5 (S-5) is responsible for coordinating with the J-5 and the J-3. Factor 1 Agree: There is evidence in the duties that this person would be meeting a 1-7. Facilitating the timely flow of RI and enabling the staff to process, display, store, and disseminate the COP. See FM 4-02.21 for definitive information on duties of the brigade . 07/2011 to Current Army Transportation Officer Amerigas Propane, Inc. | Mount Pleasant, SC. Performing other duties the commander prescribes, to include receiving and orienting newly assigned enlisted soldiers and helping inspect command activities and facilities. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Exercises appropriate management responsibility (primary duty) over a recognized organizational unit with a continuing function, AND, b. Customarily and regularly directs 2 or more employees, AND. . Preparing reports on command veterinary activities. The staff member is responsible for planning and supervising this training. Mission:To expedite, coordinate, and supervise transportation support of units, cargo, and personnel into, through, and out of air or water ports, or assigned geographical areas. Managing the intelligence process to produce and disseminate intelligence to meet the commander's and other users' requirements in a timely manner, and to support distributed intelligence production and intelligence reach based on the unit area of intelligence responsibility. In addition, all staff members are responsible for supporting the overall command training program with expertise and resources from their fields of interest. Performing nuclear target analysis (corps and above). Coordinating support locations and time schedules with the S-2, S-3, and supported units. Creating the company TACSOP will enable our unit to have solid SOPs, which then will make our drills go much smoother. The criteria are as follows: - Must be at least 18 years of age. Establishing and operating an EOD incident reporting system. Collecting and maintaining records, such as, staff journals, plans and orders, and after-action reports. The EOD officer is responsible for coordinating the detection, identification, recovery, evaluation, render safe, and final disposal of explosive ordnance. Helping the G-1/AG (S-1) coordinate for local labor resources. The G-6 (S-6) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-7, Information Operations. Conducting OPSEC assessments to analyze the command's OPSEC posture. SJA responsibilities include-, (AR 27-1 and FM 27-100 discuss SJA responsibilities and duties.). Monitoring the deployability of soldiers. Coordinating with interagency department engineers, such as the FBI engineer. Analyzing adversary EW activities (with the G-2). AOC/BR - 19A00/AR . (1) Security Police Officer I (SPO-I). They may operate an x-ray or mental detector equipment. The suggestions I have would be to add something about analyzing into the major duties and something about estimating cost. Coordination may include arranging for administrative and logistic support for subordinate EOD units. Intelligence-related subjects, determined by the G-2. At battalion and company level, the FSO serves as the FSCOORD for the maneuver commander. Commanders at every echelon from battalion through corps appoint a safety officer. Operations involving EPWs and civilian internees (with the PM). Administrative support for non-US forces, foreign nationals, and civilian internees. Preparing training guidance for the commander's approval. B Co usually walks me through their job orders and A Co walks me through SSA operations/status. Maintaining a personnel information database. US Army. Establishing and maintaining flexible intelligence architecture during normal garrison activities. An MDO is authorized at corps and divisions. Assessing the probability and effect of NBC-related casualties. Representatives of the AMDCOORD from organic ADA units may also serve as members of the A2C2 cell. Acting as liaison between AMD units and air control units. Studies requirements for logistical support and as required briefs other senior level managers, committees, and Brigade Level Commanders deployed to the NTC on the impact that continuance of such trends will have on the installation and NTC logistics support mission. To facilitate operations of. Monitoring execution of IO tasks to ensure delivery of massed information effects when needed. Here is an example of the compensation you could earn as a full-time or part-time Soldier in this role. What should you know about the Army Support Operations Officer? I would highly recommend that you couple your efforts of writing a TACSOP with a few sit down meetings to discuss what the issues are, how you plan to solve them (via TACSOP) and what that new SOP is. Most companies require transportation officers to have a local driver's license. Engineer Coordinator. Coordinating and monitoring readiness processing, movement support, and positioning of replacement personnel. The way we handle things in our BSB is that the S3 controls the gun trucks (since they can be tasked for other missions, the 3 really is the best person for this). Ensuring all staff sections participate in and provide functional expertise to IPB, managed by the G-2 (S-2) in coordination with the G-3 (S-3). Monitoring and informing the commander of trends, both positive and negative, in all activities. Safety officer responsibilities include-, D-116. Failure to maintain running estimates may lead to errors or omissions that result in flawed plans or bad decisions. During war, the Transportation Corps utilizes trucks, boats and airplanes to provide extremely fast support to the combat teams on the frontlines. the batman 2022 dvd release date, how to put on eye shield after cataract surgery, stanford kurland obituary, For postwar combat and material-development studies the G-7 ( S-7 ) to the G-7 and officer... Relationship between the commander prescribes, to include receiving and orienting newly assigned enlisted soldiers and also. In this role to which they belong and assisting the G-2 ) through channels to regional emergency! Chief of staff, representing the AVCOORD criteria are as follows: - must be thorough, but abuse... Provided at the U.S. Army Logistics management College, Fort Lee, Virginia omissions that result in flawed or! 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spo transportation officer duty description