jack schaap net worth

No one but Hyles knew the income of Hyles Publications, not the deacons or the treasurer of the deacons board, even though it was a ministry under FBCH. The pastor hushed up the matter and launched him on some other unsuspecting church. He said hes transparent about money, but very few know anything about the income or the dispersals of Hyles Publications (or First Baptist Church). This is mine [pointing to the pulpit]. He never faced church discipline. He posted his own bond ($100,000) and remained free. HE WILL! Jill Koster, assistant U.S. attorney, in a sentencing memorandum last year called Jack A. Schaap "the ultimate hypocrite." Schaap, 56, is asking a federal judge to overturn his 12-year sentence . When the 16-year-old girl asked Schaap if it was wrong what they were doing, he used Jesus Christ as a means to continue sleeping with her. 19 of them were convicted and sentenced. He gave all this to her when she was still in open rebellion against her husband. While he should never again hold such a position of trust, Jack has paid his debt to society and needs love. He taught his followers Blind Loyalty, and complete unquestioned obedience; to be 100% for Hyles. http://www.abwe.org/news/abwe-board-and-administration-confession#.VIilVxbaafQ http://jeriwho.net/lillypad2/?cat=84, DUAIN A. WHITTEMORE FORMER DIRECTOR OF TABERNACLE CHILDRENS HOME OF TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH IN GREENVILLE, SC. He did not understand the gospel, either, so he was not born again.. An 11 -year-old boy was disciplined so severely that the inflammation lasted 11 days. Surely his father was aware of it. Hyles taught that wives and husbands should throw themselves into church ministry and soul-winning and put that as a priority before caring for their families. He saw firsthand, the broken marriages, destroyed family structures, and wrecked lives of new believers because of Davids affairs. You have not one iota, one speck of proof for even the existence of your Hateful Boss. Why do as humans insist on feeding on other peoples garbage? A Response to Tim Challies (Part Two) | Here's the Joy. Lastly, a 15-year member of FBCH said that they witnessed many things and said that they had friends molested there. Repeatedly raped a 12-year-old girl when he was a teacher at Manchester Christian Academy in Port Orchard, WA. Hyles shared a story of a staff member who was injured rather severely and was in tremendous pain. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/127882498.html, DONN KETCHAM PASTOR OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN PORT ORCHARD, WA, Molested adolescent girls who where missionary kids. 2) Dave seduced young girls and committed adultery while on staff over the years with many women while he was married. Yet I dont see any contradictions with any of the witnesses. They continued to recommend Leonard as a babysitter for children. Jack Hyles was a hypocrite and a habitual liar. He would throw down 10 and 20 dollar bills from the cafeteria balcony at screaming girls. The truth is that those statistics are devoid of spirituality reality, and the bragging is sin. Jesus lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again the third day and whether we believe it or not doesnt change it from being a reality. He would allow the girls to pat his back and touch his garments so to speak., (Video of Jack Hyles being Idolized by the College girls 1:53-3:05; Testimonies from 2 HAC Graduates 2/21/00 and 10/9/00 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm). According to Judy, Vic and Jennies daughter, she and her brother used this door themselves. Jack Hyles would not discuss it with Vic and would not answer the allegations. I am convinced that most preacher practice situation ethics. Especially if there were Bible Colleges attached to their churches. One of the statements in an advertisement for this conference reads: There is not a man alive who has personally won more souls to Christ than Dr. Bob Gray, Sr. That was nine months earlier than prison officials had previously listed as his exit date, according to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons website. Freedom Baptist Temple has remained quiet about this and there is no record of church discipline. Interpretation of that verse varies, both fornication and adultery are sexual immorality. Jack Hyles was a compulsive liar and lied for years. Isnt the fruit of the Spirit love, joy and peace etc.? When accusations came to him, Hyles refused to take the side of the accuser, but sided with his son. Hyles said he would never criticize another Bible-believer and was so adamant about speaking evil of another person. Jack Schaap has been caught up in what many are calling an "adultery scandal" and was fired this week. It doesnt matter if youre drunk, it doesnt matter if you are committing adultery, it matters that youre not soul- winning. At times I wanted to go to 20/20 or a place like that so he would be exposed and people would see him for what he his, but I was always overwhelmed with fear that they would find me. After reviewing the book Fundamental Seduction a long time member of FBCH said This book did raise a lot of questions about things going on in the church which, frankly, I feel were not just ignored, but buriedThis book confirmed many of the things I heard about, felt about the school and church, and many things I witnessed myself., (Testimony of a graduate of Hammond Baptist High School, Two graduates of Hammond Baptist High School and former HAC students, and another former HAC student, 12/7/97, 1/6/99, 12/15/00, 2/9/01 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm; Amazon Book Reviews: Fundamental Seduction Testimony of a longtime member of FBCH September 6, 2001 by Steven C. Minton). Its not enough to say they are liars without any proof. When churches take the high moral ground, shouldnt their failings be exposed? Jack Hyles, his son-in-law Jack Schaap, and Davis Hyles all have one thing in common. Why not look at what the bible says. The matter was brought to public attention when a local medical doctor discovered that one of the young boys, who was bused to Sharon Baptist, was ill with a sexually transmitted disease. So many children, teenagers, families, etc have been betrayed, abused, molested, and ruined physically, emotionally, and spiritually because of these predators in church leadership positions. 3 other women testified that he had molested them as children. He also gave pornographic images of himself to other boys. 9 were employees of the church. Yet Jack lied about even knowing about it. (Starting at 1:22:56-1:27:20). 3. Only one party is shown as a resident of NC; the other is shown to be a resident of Boyd County, KY. So you gave up the faith you once believed in? Most of us have heard the you are bitter commentary/judgment many many times. Hyles preached that soul-winning covers all sins. He viewed repentance as the same as turning from unbelief to belief. Arrested for molesting and raping a 13-year-girl from the childrens home. Hyles talked about praying to his dead mother. Many IFB churches have even modeled their church after FBCH. Even when he answered Robert Sumner in his article exposing Jack Hyles, Hyles answered him back continuing to defend his son. He almost never mentioned her in his sermons, and never bragged on her or used her in illustrations after the 1970s. On June 1, 1979, he married Mrs. Cindy Schaap. He was a devotional preacher. She was disturbed by the mind control over thousands and thousands of people. Hyles would allow us as female students to sit on his car hood while he drove off slowly, after a girls meeting with Daddy Hyles, screaming, We love you preacher! like he was some rock star with groupies!!! But my relationship is not dependent upon my performance as a son it is dependent upon Him. If it takes two, and the woman is partially responsible, what about rape? No matter. Hyles preached that backsliding is a necessary part of spiritual growth. His death was ruled a homicide. We asked this kid why he did not get baptized, and he told us that they had baptized him twice already, and he did not want to be baptized again. He claimed that more people were saved (15,000) in his church on May 3, 1998 than at any church in the history of Christianity. If this was truly the case that this many people were saved, Hyles church would have increased dramatically, but nothing like that happened. You can also read the letters Schaap sent to his victim here. The wife receives her husbands body, In the sermon he preached titled A Polished Shaft, Schaap was literally masturbating with a stick of wood as an illustration in this infamous sermon. 1) Bob Jones University published a very strong statement to its student body regarding the controversy. The following details are short profiles of each IFB church pretender. Brother, Ive never heard a bad thing about you because I dont hear bad things about anybody Ive never heard a bad thing about you, cause two reasons: Folks know I wont listen to bad things, so they dont tell me. One person, who was raised at FBCH and was a student at HAC, said, I tremble to think of the times that I stood on peoples doorsteps and led them through a meaningless prayer and assured them that Thats all there is to it see you in heaven! and then walked away from a person who was AS clueless after my visit as they were before., A former student of Hyles schools with family very involved in FBCH said, They are responsible for the encouragement of an easy, repeat-after-me type of salvation that is mostly for the purpose of claiming inflated numbers of members while leaving the convert with no idea of what hes done, or even worse, the idea that he is just fine and Heaven-bound because he prayed some prayer after a desperate college student needing to claim the numbers., A convert to Jack Hyles bus ministry in 1981 recalled, I was in the Navy stationed at Great Lakes NTC, when approached by two men from Hyles Church. They have never apologized for what they had done and even wrote a book in prison comparing their sentence to the Apostle Paul. 9. Driver in ditch nearly 5 times the legal limit, Porter County police say. As a result of this doctrine most people at FBCH and HAC didnt know or hear any stories or rumors about gross immoral sins that were going on in Hyles church. People start to shut off their thinking when the red flags keep happening. Another witness said, I am completely convinced, now in hind sight, that Jack Hyles actually hated the Word of God and true men of God. Another witness proclaimed of FBCH, There is only one word to describe that place CULT! have extreme sex drives? http://www.therandolphleader.com/news/article_c20f153e-3e30-5b24-bb09-8b0795de5d01.html, STEPHEN DOUGLAS BERRY FORMER ASSOCIATE PASTOR AND YOUTH PASTOR OF NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH IN UNION, SC. A week-long news investigation into the scandals of FBCH and Hyles affiliated churches. And so many IFB churches are guilty because they fail to investigate, discipline, and warn. And Dr. Hyles would get up from the pulpit and warn the congregation about how our church had become a victim of unfair persecution by the Health Education and Welfare Department! This person also said that they knew beyond a doubt that many HAC graduates and students living in the Hammond area are current wife and children abusers. RICHARD MICK PASTOR OF LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH OF SANDUSKY, OH, Indicted on two counts of rape and two counts of sexual imposition against two 8 year old children, a boy and a girl. Prosecutors allege a lifetime of predatory behavior. Some of them were 11 years old and younger). They were told to preach to them on the buses and to drive them down the alley behind the church so that they could count their professions of faith since they were made on church property. This was what Hyles told them to do over and over. These preachers would tell their congregations that they shouldnt say anything about it. Hyles style of child discipline was taught at North Sheron Baptist Church and Christian school in Michigan. Did they get a divorce? There was no church investigation into the matter. The latest tips surrounding credit cards and finance. No record of the church mentioning the victims. I can only imagine how different THAT world might be. 2. HE LIED FOR HIM AND PLACED HIM IN LEADERSHIP AND PASTORAL POSITIONS AT HIS AND OTHER CHURCHES, EVEN WHEN HE KNEW ABOUT HIS SONS WICKEDNESS. Jerry Kaifetz turned to see if Jack Schaap and his wife were standing and applauding Dave. Another victim came forward alleging sexual abuse when she was 16 years old. 8. HE WAS IDOLIZED AND WORSHIPED BY HIS FOLLOWERS. His sexual abuse continued for 4 years. He has unobstructed access to teenage girls at the church. Hyles boasted about all the million dollar buildings he was able to buy from the pulpit, yet made people believe that they could barely pay the bills at Hyles-Anderson College in a promo video. Investigators believe that his wife may have been complicit in previous unrecorded crimes against children. He never responded to them and refused to give any answers to them. In it you will hear how much emphasis and focus was given to the numbers and how important it was to reach high numbers. Rabid legalistic judgmental fundamentalism with a minor in hypocrisy was/were the order of the day in the mid-1970s and I havent seen it change at all in the new millennium., (Voyle Glover p 59, 63-64, 110, 152, 303-304, 307, 313, 320, 324 325, 327, 432, 442- 444; Linda Hyles Murphrey 4:00, 7:57, 8:27; Video Clip of Hyles Hypocrisy 5:02-5:49; Testimonies of 3 former HAC students 1/6/99, 12/15/00, 11/8/05 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm; Amazon Book Reviews: Fundamental Seduction Testimony of a man that grew up under one of Hyles disciples December 2, 2002 by A Customer. Thank you Adam for adultery, thank you Adam for homosexuality, Thank you Adam for murder, Thank you Adam for rape.. Should be fired or resign fron being pastor at fbc hammond. At least 5 of them were guilty of violent acts of abuse. This lasted for 6 years. The leadership refuses to expose Hyles for who he really was. Mike Pompeo and Israel: How Evangelical Politicians Affect American Foreign Policy, Church of Christ Preacher Al Shannon Says There are Only 2 Million Christians in the Whole World. (Voyle Glover p 4 (Bob Jones University statement), p 227 (Ed Nelsons letter), p 296-297 (George Godfreys published letter), p 444 (Walt Handfords letter); Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 32:30, 33:25, 34:28, 35:40), JACK HYLES WAS A HYPOCRITE, ACTING COMPLETELY CONTRARY TO WHAT HE PREACHED, 1. She said her father was extremely abusive and was abusive for many years. Jesus is still on the throne. Thats before I heard me Sermon: When Satan Is At His Worst (Voyle Glover p 48), My secretary said the other day, Ill declare, it takes me three years to get something from God and it takes you three days. Hyles gave no response to his letter. People saw him not a sinner saved by grace, but a man who had risen above the sins of mankind, whod grown in grace and strength like no other Christian they knew. He has failed to turn the wicked from his sin, failed to warn of sin, failed to rebuke his own, and failed to rebuke his officers. This recently released document reveals the evidence that will put him away. Instead of staying home to assist her husband, to help him and care for him, and to insure that he was all right, his wife, also a staff member, left her husband at home for the Lords work. At a soul- winning club at FBCH, a woman recalls being taught that if a lady was having problems in her marriage, that if shed just come to soul winning every Saturday, her problems would be taken care of by God. With Jack Hyles himself, I wonder how many families and church members were damaged when he put adulterous pastors back in the pulpit? Bruce, I feel I must challenge your exasperation, Men who are driven to the level of high leadership that Schapp achieved usually have extreme sexual drives. Which God do we actually serve? The juvenile residents knew about Wilsons anger problem. In 2020, two lawsuits were filed against Dave Hyles by women who claim that he sexually abused them in the 1970s. Doesnt love do no wrong to ones neighbour? They are part of the cover-ups because the leadership (elders, deacons, staff) in particular have heard accusation after accusation over the years and did nothing about it. Believe me it takes two.. .and if you dont believe that, then I have a brooklyn bridge to sell you! JACK HYLES COVERED UP THE GROSS IMMORALITY, ADULTERIES, AND PERVERSIONS OF HIS SON DAVE HYLES . Convicted felon Jack Schaap was once the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN. Arrested for Child Molesting. Hyles relationship with his wife was a distant one. They would baptize people who didnt understand the gospel. If youd like to talk about my story and the IFB church, please let me know. 63 different Independent Fundamental Baptist churches around the country are connected to these alleged criminals. The Sunday School teacher who witnessed the crime was ostracized until she finally left FBCH. Instead, he groomed her for a sexual relationship he consummated during trips to Chicago and Michigan. There is no Biblical church discipline and no investigation. This is my throne! Sermon: I Shall Not Be Moved, preached in 1973 (Voyle Glover p 147), The leader of leaders must learn to share glory. He called this mental homosexuality.. According to Paula Hyles Polonco, Dave Hyles first wife, Dave told her that he saw possible signs of adultery in his dad. He preached that Fundamentalism and Americas IFB pastors would rise and fall because of him. No one in Christendom, nor in witchcraft, nor the sodomites, have sent me more filthy and hateful mail than the Hyles people. Many of the members who followed Shifflett from Calvary to start First Baptist of Culpeper, blindly supported their pastor even with the mounting evidence against him. STANLEY DANIEL FORMER PASTOR OF EL BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH IN ROANOKE, AL. Schaap made the 16-year -old girl believe that what they were doing was right in Gods eyes. Jack Hyles believed and preached that if someone is accused of sin, you dont listen to it, you dont believe it, and you dont talk about it. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/community-news/mesquite/headlines/20110522-mesquite-pastor-accused-of-west-virginia-sex-assault-commits-suicide-.ece, http://www.wvgazette.com/News/201110160063 http://jeriwho.net/lillypad2/?cat=89, RUSSELL K OVERLA HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE / FORMER PASTOR OF LAKESIDE BAPTIST CHURCH IN CEDAR LAKE, IN. EYEWITNESS #7: VIDEO NEWS INVESTIGATION PREYING FROM THE PULPIT (BY WJBK-TV, DETROIT, MI). 300? Schaap had been a son-in-law of Jack Hyles, the churchs most prominent leader. If three-quarters of a million people had actually been saved at First Baptist over the years of Hyles pastorate, that entire region would have been dramatically affected. (What happened to the Holy Spirit?) He kept men who should be responsible in the dark. Pleaded guilty to multiple counts of child molesting, both male and female victims. Remember, you will be held accountable for every word. Divorce is not forbidden in IFB churches. In one of the letters that he wrote to the 16-year-old girl, he said that his sexual relationship with her was part of her personal salvation and something Jesus Christ wanted. (Voyle Glover p 127-128, 423; Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 31:45). Hyles told FBCH how open he is with his handling of the money in the church, yet he was clearly not open, but very secretive with the money that came in through Hyles Publications, a ministry that was under the nonprofit umbrella of FBCH, and he didnt even reveal this to the membership. A month later he pleaded guilty and received a 12-year sentence in 2013 under a plea bargain in which he avoided prosecutions in several states and a much longer prison term had he gone to trial and then been convicted. Yes, it is a very hard truth, as the disciples noted. As a result, multitudes of people who were led in a prayer from a soul-winner, who used Hyles fraudulent method of soul-winning, may have had false conversions. Some of Hyles deacons and staff were involved in adultery, but Hyles did nothing about it when the accusations came. This is the next chapter in the. How many have been secretly let go from their positions, and are roaming free or getting involved with another Independent Baptist Church? 4) Schaap having sex with the teen in his office. Pastor Jeff Ownes was the former Vice President of Hyles-Anderson college. This is it, brethren. Jack Hyles did nothing about it and continued to keep his son on staff. 2) Mark Foeller and Timothy Leonard of North Sharon Baptist Church, a deacon and an associate pastor who where charged with molesting several young boys. A history. He lives in Missouri and no churches have been warned about him. It explores the controversies of both Hyles alleged affair with Jennie Nischik and the serial adulteries, perversions, and abuses of Dave Hyles. Aw shucks, let me play too? She said that, in 27 years, I have never seen Jack Hyles do a truly selfless thing. He remains an IFB pastor in good standing across the IFB. S net worth - NerdWallet /a > Jack Goodacre net worth of $ 200,000 born in the.! Plead guilty to charges. Jack Schaap, 63, is serving a 12-year federal sentence since his March 2013 conviction for taking a 16-year-old girl he was counseling across state lines to Illinois and Michigan for sex. No one should be forced to remain married to someone they no longer want to be married to. Hyles used lies, fear, and bribes to keep things secret. On another point Im curious about what circumstances led you to cast off your fundamental beliefs and cast yourself into the agnostic arena. Then he was off again until midnight when he would return with five to ten men (sailors) who I would have a meal waiting for. He has ignored known sin, even the vilest of sin. The U.S. Attorneys office charged Schaap in 2012 with transporting the teenager across state lines for purposes of sexual exploitation. These chats covered about 8-9 months. Last summer, Schaap, 55, was fired from First Baptist Church of Hammond, the 40,000-member congregation of which he had led for 11 years. Their distant relationship went on for at least 2 decades. 3. Tom Neal and his son dismissed and escorted one of the deacons, of 15 years, off church property because he had asked the sheriffs office to investigate them. All texts are the intellectual property of this site. The things Jack S. would say and his childish sayings and layghs. Jack Hyles method of soul-winning, with his view of repentance and quick prayerism, was fraudulent and damaging to the cause of Christ. So, what you are saying is that Jack Schaaps wife is partially to blame for him having sex with the teenager he was counseling. Mulligan was considered a Hyles Man running his ministry in the style of Jack Hyles. They didnt sleep in the same bedroom (this was going on for 20 years since her interview), and didnt speak to each other. This Wednesday, we will hear the sentencing of disgraced pastor Jack Schaap, who has pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage girl who attended his church. Investigators later recovered photos taken inside the cabin showing a grinning Schaap on a couch in an intimate pose with the girl and also french-kissing [her] while touching her in a sexual manner.. (2 of those 3 were from FBCH members under Hyles approval). Yet in the next clip that follows this, you can hear him say in a promo video for HAC that they barely pay the bills. If they have so much money to buy all this property, why is he lying by saying that HAC barely pays the bills? Some of the members made threats to at least 3 of the victims. 31 were charged for molesting underage girls (most of them were girls 15 years of age and younger, including some that molested girls who were age 10 and younger. I went to Hammond Baptist High School with Cindy, she was nice, but this was a cult church! It grew from a low of 159 to averaging 2,047 the last year he pastored, with his high days of 10,000. To win 1.1 million souls over a 39 year period would require leading 77 people a day to Christ which would require witnessing to how many people per day? He had several victims that included young women and teenagers. Hyles taught quick prayerism manipulation to increase the number of souls saved. It would focus on quick presentations and quick decisions to get people saved. It got multitudes to do a repeat-after-me type salvation prayer, then assuring them that they are heaven-bound without truly explaining the gospel carefully so that a lost person could understand what they were getting into. He was very close to both Jack Hyles and Jack Schaap and had a meaningful friendship with both of them. It is primarily Hyles that has influenced many of them and they have been spread around the country in multitudes of IFB churches. They blame the victim for speaking up. I hope he has to register. SHELDON STOTMEISTER HYLES -ANDERSON GRADUATE / FORMER PASTOR OF CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH IN DUBUQUE, IA, Accused of having exploited a woman during counseling in order to have a sexual relationship with her. Convicted for molesting a 7-year-old girl. This is abuse. 9) Dave Hyles ran off to Illinois with another church members wife, Brenda Stevens. He boasted that he worked harder than anyone in the whole church, that he could pray down the smallest things like a hotdog from God, that he has preached more sermons than any man alive, and that he was pampered by God. The pastor of Red Rocks Baptist did not report the incident to the police. 8. Imagine him warning Paula, Daves first wife, about his sons immorality before they got married, and rebuking him and bringing him before the church if he remained unrepentant. NICK MINERVA FORMER PASTOR OF TRINITY BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP IN PHOENIX, AZ. The pastor also put the boys genitals under the glass of a coffee table. Sentenced for two counts of sex assault with 2 underage teenage girls, 13 and 15 years old. MANY EYEWITNESSES BELIEVE THAT FBCH/HAC IS A CULT AND THAT JACK HYLES WAS A CULT LEADER . Schaap was fired for having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old girl. He said that if FBCH crumbled and fell, the IFB churches would crumble and fall. He believed the faith of preachers all over the nation would rise and fall on Jack Hyles, and that Fundamentalism rises or falls with him. The thinking goesGod hates divorce and God intends for marriage to be between one man and one woman for life. The Pastor also disciplined him at another time, by putting hot peppers in his rectum. I have seen buses full of black children who, while not being allowed in the bus ministry, were driven down the alley behind the church, told to repeat a prayer, and counted as souls won on church property during big days. The families were followed, there was at least one break in, and a clear message was being sent to drop the charges. As it is, from what Ive read by, and about, Bruce, it seems that it is the best decision he ever made (after marrying Polly). Never responded to them gave pornographic images of himself to other boys new believers because of Davids.. 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