baptist international outreach

Julie (shelter administrator), Pastor Almond, and another Christian sister prayed over the child. But people prayed, people gave, and even civilians pitched in to help. Look no further! They had been planning for her to terminate her service. Next week I will be meeting with some of our Russian national missionaries in a nearby neutral country. I had to miss the last trip but expect to travel with them early in January. Community Outreach. I believe its the Lord who sends us these acquaintances.. The Grant Center for International Education has a dedicated staff that assists students through the application process and mentors them once they arrive on campus. As a result, 8 more people in that church have been informed they will be receiving similar awards for their civilian contributions to the local militarys needs. Please pray that their applications will be approved. Other Outreach Ministries. However, the war has caused an issue that needs to be resolved. Cornerstone Korean Baptist Church. Jesus is the Son of God! The Gospel puppet theatre BIEM has sponsored for several years has been a very effective ministry. I hope that you will spare 2 minutes to watch this short clip, where Vitaly discusses the current situation in his country and then more specifically their hopes for a winter session of the Seminary. Close. What a blessing their salvation would be to the Central Asian brethren who sacrificed out of their meager funds to reach people for Christ! Before the war, Kyiv was mostly Russian speaking. Learn how to manage your health through nutrition and physical activity. . Please continue to pray for the safety of our Ukrainian missionaries and their families. Read War Updates, You will notice how grateful they are for the prayers of Gods people. At risk to their own selves, these men delivered most importantly Gods Word (both in short sermons and printed New Testaments) along with such aid as is currently in great demandfood parcels, loaves of fresh bread, warm socks, gloves, thermal underwear, candles, blankets, and generators. Mr. Jon & Mrs. Diane Barr, President of Silent Word Ministries, Mailing Address: PO Box 889, Trenton, GA 30752, E-Mail: [email protected].. Missionary Tabitha Beam, Field: Home Office Missionary, Missionary Board: Silent Word Ministries, E-Mail: [email protected].. Missionary David Bennett, Director of Silent Word Ministries International, Mailing . Community Resource Manual This fellow has only recently repented and trusted Christ. We previously mentioned how a young man named Bogdan received Christ at the Desna Christian Rehabilitation Center before he was drafted into the Ukrainian military. There, visitors will also hear the Gospel. Look for more details in our upcoming issue of our newsletter, The Challenger. Sam Slobodian and Kevin Gaugler (a BIEM board member) plan to travel to Ukraine next week to participatein the Seminarysession in Kyiv. Many prayed that students would be able to overcome logistical obstacles to attend. 1 vote. Two Christian men were flying to team up with BIEMs Director for Central Asia to evangelize and teach in Muslim lands. Last night, BIEMs Vitaly Yurchenko and family experienced a close call when one of the Russian rockets bombarding Kyiv flewwithin 200 meters of their home. Because of the fears, suffering, and uncertainty caused by the war, people who never attended church before are coming. Free backpacks and school supplies are given out to kids in need. BIBLEBUFFJOURNAL - MY BIBLEPROJECT99. There is potential for a new church plant in this needy area. Our War Relief efforts have recentlyproduced an opportunity to distribute aid and share the Gospel in a public school building in the Kyivregion. Lighthouse Baptist Church, Birch Bay WA. Baptist Health. And for the ministry itself. We minister through a church planting network in India supporting over 100 national churches, a . I could go and distribute New Testaments, also New Testament recordings on audio players, and give the men the necessary things so they can be as comfortable as possible. 4. Please pray concerning our new missionaries, Sergiy and Karina Koop. Baptist Health also provides hot lunches Monday through Thursday during the summer. So, we put together a bigger, heavier parcel for himso big the regular post office refused to accept it. Travis & Mimi Dykes, Botswana/Ethiopia - Deaf Baptist International Outreach P.O. All Rights Reserved. As you may have heard in the news, today marks the 1-year anniversary of Russias invasion of Ukraine. BAPTIST INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH - Home Thank You, Pastor Rumsey and First Baptist Church in Ruskin For a Wonderful BIO Meeting! The purpose of the International Outreach Ministries Inc can be seen below: To conduct prevention activities that will promote the educational development and well being of underprivileged families. Her action prompted these aggressive men to abandon their efforts to conscript Sergei. It was a blessed trip in which I saw and felt the protection and mercy of God. Friends wonder about the Ukrainian peoples mood after 10 months of war and deprivations. A couple of such needy families have been identified and helped on their behalf. For more information, please call 901-842-3167. In order to reach neighbors - especially the many refugees in the area - they hung a banner, printed flyers, and went door to door inviting people. Praise the Lord, they have received permission to exit their country for a limited time! He delivered food, clothing, and candles. For more information, please call (501) 202-1540. The pastor of the village church had been killed by shrapnel, leaving behind a wife and several children. We plan to provide more as funds become available. These planes later returned to base without crossing into Ukrainian airspace. With your help, BIEM was able to purchase $250,000 worth of electrical generators for Ukraine. It is longer than our usual videos, but since opportunities to record videos of them will continue to be limited for the foreseeablefuture, we decidedto share this one in its entirety: In our next Slobodian prayer letter, which is due out in a few days, we will share in more detail how the war is affecting our Russian brethren as well as other interesting information concerning them. Previously we had asked you to pray concerning our upcoming time of discussion in a neutral country with our Russian missionaries. Photo courtesy of NC Baptist. The economic sanctions placed on Russia have the side effect of creating complications for BIEM as we endeavor to deliver funds there for ministry. Please pray that this matter will simply go away. They have sincere and relevant questions. 13 likes. The Baptist Health International Coordination of Care team is available 24 hours a day to answer your questions and make arrangements. Although this is also a prayer request, its a huge reason to praise the Lord, who goes before us and opens doors of opportunity! We trust believers will be edified and God will be glorified through this trip. Great things He hath done! The war and the needs are continuing, but your gifts are making a genuine difference in peoples lives. 4. What does BIO mean? Please pray for these funds to come in so we can proceed with this project. Also in Lviv, when the Levtseniuks daughter was suffering from a physical condition, they rushed her to the hospital. THANK YOU to each of you who is helping us to minister to others for the glory of God! BIEM personnel have felt the effects directly. On Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a Spanish translator is present at the Heavens Loft Wellness Center. Since 1981 the ministry of BIEM has been proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, summoning sinners to repentance and new life in Him, advancing Gods Kingdom among the nations. So, given the clearly unlawful methods of warfare that Russia is using, we can surely state that every religious community in Ukraine, regardless of its religious affiliation and regional location, is in danger to a certain degree.. These provided crucial light, heat, and electricity for cooking, phones, and other applications. Today, Vitaly Bilyak is driving to Kherson. Heres a link to a video concerning that trip: 4. Church Office: (410) 557-6963 Baptist International Outreach Biblical Ministries Worldwide Bible Lessons for the Deaf Bill Rice Ranch Biblical Ministries Worldwide- US Deaf Churches Campus Ministries at Gallaudet Caribbean Christian Centers for the Deaf Child Share Chip Green - ASL Interpreter (founder of 10th Coin) Christian Blind Mission International BAPTIST INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH, INC. (Delaware (US), 21 Mar 1986 - ) branch nonprofit BAPTIST INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH, INC. (Tennessee (US), 30 Sep 1992 - ) nonprofit BAPTIST INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH (HONG KONG) LIMITED (Hong Kong, 16 Jul 2004 - ) nonprofit INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST OUTREACH MISSIONS, INC. (North Carolina (US), 9 Jan 1997 - ) Therefore, if you receive our bi-monthly Slobodian prayer letters, you will get this information. 5. Heres an excerpt from one such church: We remember you and thank you very much for helping to purchase the generator. The war is not somethingwe can discuss with them, either by phone or e-mail. Immunizations are offered in church-based settings, community centers and on the Mobile Health Unit. [email protected]) being used 35.9% of the time. Please accept my thanks also for continuing to stand with us and to help us use every opportunityin season and out of season, in times of peace and times of warto serve others and to glorify God and proclaim the Gospel. Urgent ortho care, physical therapy, & sports medicine -. Look no further! 5. Welcome to the View on-line catalog, where you may find a precise One family just arrived from an occupied area, but minus their 27-year-olddaughter, who was in the military and was murdered by the Russians. They distributed 38 food bags, eachwith a Gospel tract. Baptist OrthoNow. As she was studyingone woman called our teacher and said, I get it! The purpose would be to visit supporting churches and to personally present the needs and opportunities at this current time. May God water the Gospel seeds these men have planted. We are glad to report that he and his wife Alona did receive this permission, so they will be with us for several weeks in February and March. Sirens did sound one time, but that later proved to be the result of Russian planes taking off from a base in nearby Belarus. Many would've assumed such an individual would be too hardened to express any spiritual interest. The recipients expressed openness and eagerness to learn whats in the Bible. However, recently we arranged to meet them in a nearby, somewhat neutral country. For more information regarding services available in North Little Rock, please call 501-758-0305. More spiritual fruit from physical seedsIn the formerly occupied area of Hostomel, Ukraine (near Bucha), BIEM workers had distributed aid and a generator. Anatoly Prokopchuk was born in 1970, and his son Oleksandr was born in 2003. Through our volunteer efforts with the American Heart Association, we support the ultimate goal of equipping all Americans with the skills they need to perform bystander CPR. Although this missionary couple has been with BIEM for just a few months, they have targeted a specific, heavily populated district (called Friendship) for their church-planting activities. 4. Baptist International Outreach Email, Phone Number, Employees, Competitors. Please pray that this exciting development would lead to the salvation of souls for the glory of God. He states, God blessed me to make another trip to our military in Donbas, thanks to the BIEM mission. One item from last weeks updates was a prayer request for me, since I was soon heading to Ukraine with a pastor from Indiana. Video Phone: 865-940-0238 International Baptist Missions is an integral ministry of Tri-City Baptist Church. The Hispanic Initiative focuses on health promotion and prevention activities that target the Hispanic community, including immunizations, screenings and community-building activities. Were also grateful to you for your help and love for us. Baptist Health Community Outreach holds community health fairs at 67 locations. Yura declared, We are now in a trusting relationship with the head physician. Although they both received approval to temporarily leave Ukraine at the end of last year, it is far from certain they will be allowed to exit Ukraine again due to the fears of another Russian invasion from Belarus and the increased conscription efforts mentioned in last weeks update. The Lord is using similar situations to send spiritual conversations to people who never wouldve entered a church before! Praise God, we have now distributed more than one million dollars of war relief aid! Thailand Vision Baptist Missions P.O. Heres the link: At the conclusion, Vitaly expresses sincere gratitude to all of BIEMs supporters for your financial sacrifices and daily prayers for Ukraine. Igor Fomichov in Desna requests prayer as there has been an upswing in conscripting citizens for the war in thatarea. Both men had been involved in distributing humanitarian aid from BIEM to needy ones. Thank you for praying! BIO was organized for the purpose of opening countries closed to the Gospel by means of deaf education and other symbiotic methods that . (In recent days, incredibly long lines have developed at the border crossings between Ukraine and Poland.). Thanks to gifts from people like you, BIEM has now distributed more than $800,000 of war relief aid to over 100 churches in Ukraine! Click on their email and social media icons to get in contact with them. The Baptist Health Community Outreach Department also offers a number of internship opportunities. One component of the program is serving snacks to 200 students Tuesdays through Fridays during the school year. We want to ensure that all of our free health education and resources are available to the expectant and new mothers in the Hispanic community. Before leaving, he declared that, when he returns, he wants to serve on the staff of the rehab center where he first heard the Gospel and received salvation. At the same time, this does not exclude the dangers to religious communities in western and central regions of Ukraine: as a result of missile strikes by Russian troops, even an Orthodox Church in Lviv was damaged. But God has provided ways, for which we thank Him. 1. For a complete listing of Senior Health Initiative locations and events, call Baptist Health HealthLine toll-free at 1(888) 227-8478. This orphanage is changing the lives of children. They are staffed by nurses and health educators. When Jasgul took the baby back to the doctor, he was shockedthe baby was healed, with no indication of a hole. The program includes: Classes are currently being offered in a virtual setting (you can join via desktop computer or mobile device). Two of our Ukrainian church planters who have been involved in distributing humanitarian aid, Vitaly Bilyak and VitalyYurchenko, are making plans to travel to the United States in February. He plays the viola. We sometimes greeted each other, exchanged a few words, and parted. During the war, all the study groups on social networks posted that this Serhiy had gone to the front and needed help. Brother Igor reports that one of the men in their Drug and Alcohol rehab program was contacted by his nephew Bogdan, who urgently wanted to join the military and defend Ukraine. Chinese Baptist Church. He thanks everyone who prayed for this trip. Facebook Join us on Facebook. Jefferson City, TN 37760, Other Contact Information Our immunization stations are staffed by nurses and health educators where the immunizations are offered on an annual basis. In December, we shared how Misha, the nephew of a BIEM missionary couple, survived numerous battles and put his faith in Christ. If you are not receiving this or some of our other publications, you can subscribe at the following link:, Tagged: Home Page, home header, video update. Eleele Baptist Church. There will be coffee, there will be tea, and people can come to warm up and charge their cell phones. Our Ukrainian Missionaries Need Your Help! Everything we do for others is to show the love of Christ, and how to live a radically different life indebted to the One who gives life. Through the video link below, you can hear them tell about this ministry along with their gratitude to BIEM for financial assistance to repair the truck to continue this vital work. Vadim, the military brother of one of our Ukrainian associates, has been in Bakhmut, probably the area of most intense fighting with many casualtiesdaily on both sides. From Central Asia: We had our first person come to faith in Christ through our Afghani literacy school. Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is good for your overall health and will prevent and control many diseases and conditions. Although the rocket was intercepted midair, the resulting explosion shook their home. In January such churches had opportunities for Christmas evangelism. (Karina shares that she had dreamed for years of marrying a missionary!) Most importantly, he used this opportunity to preach the Gospel and to distribute New Testaments to people surviving in homes near the battlefields. He met her on visitation and invited her to church. Deaf Ministry Ministries to the Deaf - This is in it's own category out of deference to our Deaf brothers and sisters. Heres an exciting announcementThanks to the Lords blessing through your compassion and generosity, BIEM has now been able to distribute one million dollars of aid to assist victims of the war in Ukraine! Because Sashas regular ministry focuses on the military base in Goncharovsk (near the Belarusian border), he and those with him personally know some of the recipients of their aid. Therefore, traveling in Ukraine over the weekend should be safer if Putin honors his statement. 3. But Gods ways are divine: While waiting, one of the travelers led 3 Iranians to faith in Christ! (You can also view videos about distributions on our website by clicking View Video Updates.). production of high quality surgical and dental instruments. It employs 11-20 people and has $0M-$1M of revenue. Refugee Agency, more than 7.8 million Ukrainians have fled their homeland to seek refuge in other countries. We requested prayer for our 40-ft. container of aid, which got stuck in Gdansk, Poland. To connect with Baptist International Outreach's employee register on Signalhire. A few days ago, BIEM missionary Bruce Tuttle wrote from Ukraine, "Our men including a number of our graduates return from the heavily afflicted zones close to the front, and they are sober and broken-hearted. Grocery Store Tours are held at the following locations: The Aim for a Healthy Weight Program is a six-week evidence based educational program that is staffed by a dietitian. The We Can! CATCH Kids Club is a program for elementary school-aged children in an after-school setting that encourages a healthy diet and regular, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. For instance, in Bilogorodka (near Kyiv), the church hosted a special luncheon for women who have a husband, son, or grandson in the war. Initial locations to receive generators include a church in Makalevichi (Zhytomyr region), an evangelistic Christian coffee shop in Pryluky, a Christian childrens club, a church in Mukachevo, and a repair brigade for Ukrainian military vehicles. Classes are held virtually and in-person at 5:30 p.m. on the last Thursday of the month. Air raid sirens go off in Ukraine whenever Russian planes lift off from Belarusian airfields because there have been so many bombing attacks on Ukraine from Russian planes operating out of Belarus. The mayor said, "We have a big problem in the village. When I get it set up at the church, we will make it available for the entire village. The Koops had already delivered food aid to some refugees in the area, and they will be delivering more to needy ones they have now contacted. 3. Education includes everything from childbirth and breastfeeding to infant care and parenting. Besides attending our Winter Seminary session, we were able to attend two ordinations of our seminary graduates and distribute several generators. Their desire is to help churches reach the Deaf around them for Christ by training workers in sign language and understanding of [], God is Never Late! This opportunity is more fruit from our relief activities, which include sharing the Gospel and distributing Bibles. Marijo said she [], Mailing Address Such ladies filled the auditorium. In Belarus, BIEMs Nikolai Ryzhuk said, Our church building was completely packed with people. Last week we asked for prayer concerning Vitaly Yurchenkos application for special permission to leave Ukraine and visit the United States again. 3. Click here for a complete listing of Community Wellness Center locations. Pastor Phillip, who is Deaf, asked me to witness to his hearing son. Box 639, Maynardville TN 37807 phone: 865-992-0999, fax:865-992-4999, E-mail direct to Peru . August 27th, 2022 Participants will receive an amazing commemorative race t-shirt. Emmanuel Korean Baptist Church. However, these two missed a flight and got stuck at Istanbul Airport. On Christmas Day, one BIEM missionary wrote, Praise God, today one man trusted Christ in the Ukrainian village of Nastashka at the service. Baptist Health Pregnancy Wellness Centers provide free health education, screenings, resources, and referrals to expectant and new mothers until the child is 18 months of age and is staffed by a registered nurse. Still, even after a full year, people ask, Why did this happen? A few days after the invasion, Sam Slobodian preached a message entitled Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine? which is on our website. Although Ukrainian engineers and electricians work around the clock to restore the power-generating system Russia is targeting, millions remain without power. Baptist Health Community Wellness Centers are supported by a grant from Bank of America. 3. Is there anything you can come up with? Some from their area are already in Bakhmut,probably the most hazardous area at the present time. However, they do not know where to get straight forward answers. Baptist International Outreach | 38 followers on LinkedIn. In researching deaf churches, some deaf churches are urging that deaf be treated as an ethnic group rather than a disability. The concepts of healthful behavior and model healthful eating and physical activity behaviors, How the heart works when the body is physically active and the physical activities that increase the heart rate, The Five-A-Day concept for fruits and vegetables, Healthier choices in a fast food restaurant, Physical fitness through games and activities. I requested prayer for safetyand a smooth border crossing since lines at the border were then 8-13 hours long. In connection with that session, BIEMs Sam Slobodian and Board member Kevin Gaugler had no significant delays entering or leaving the country. Thank you to the many who prayed specifically about these crossings! program is an 8-session program that teaches individuals how to take their blood pressure and also manage it. During the month of August, the Baptist Health Community Immunization Program administers free immunizations to school-aged children and free physicals to preschool-aged children in underserved communities. California Baptist University. We learned much from them and were able to answer many of their questions for us. After graduating from MBC in 1999, Alan and Amy were married in July of 2000, Pastor Alan has served as Youth Pastor in Garden City, MI for 3 years, followed by 2 pastorates in Massachusetts and Maryland. 5. Learn more about our Diabetes Support Group. We delivered warm clothes, food, and propane tanks with which they can cook their own food in the trenches, etc.. SENIOR PASTOR. 2. Gods Blessings!". The National Diabetes Prevention Program is an evidence-based program that provides a supportive environment where participants come together to learn how they can reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes through a nutritious diet and exercise. Contact us for more information. For more than 60 years, Baptist Health has stood for the highest quality healthcare in South Florida, featuring one of the largest hospital-based international programs in the U.S. Baptist Health ranks among the best hospitals in the U.S. according to government health studies and rankings systems like U.S. News & World Report. There are countless people who wonder about God's calling and missions. We at BIEM believe that the best way to win others for Christ is to show them the love of Christ through tangible acts of service. At our request, Vitaly Bilyak has begun the same application process. Our monthly diabetes support group empowers those living with diabetes and their caregivers to take charge of the disease through relevant, educational talks and connections with others who face the same obstacles. Although a 21-year-old Seminary student was killed while helping evacuate citizens from Kharkiv, and we grieve with that family, as of this writing, no actual BIEM missionaries have become casualties. Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) is a free, 6-session program that helps those with pre-diabetes and diabetes, as well as their relatives and caregivers. In direct response to the threat mentioned above, Ukraine is ramping up its military numbers by conscripting thousands more Ukrainians. For months, our brethren in Ukraine have been praying for 3 specific Baptist churches in Kherson. Bogdan stated, I came here to join the military and go to war so that I could be closer to the action. There will be three vehicles loaded with food, warm clothing, batteries, and other supplies going nearly to the war front for soldiers in need. Yohannes and Kidist Getaneh Serving in Zambia I was visiting a patient at one of our biggest hospitals in ZambiaThe Zambian University Teaching Hospital. Please also bring shot records. There are also four physical activity and nutrition programs of the initiative: We Can! (Way to Enhance Childrens Activity and Nutrition) CATCH Kids Club, Media-Smart Youth:Eat, Think, and Be Active!We Can! Baptist International Outreach Inc has 14 total employees across all of its locations and generates $872,565 in sales (USD). Praise the Lord, that container is finally released and bound for Ukraine. Dr. Vick and his wife Joyce served as missionaries to the Deaf in Africa for many years. You can see a video about this opportunity here: 3. It is a partnership with community organizations and churches to provide free preventative health screenings and education. Email Verifier He was granted that permission, so thank you for praying. Learn about diabetes and its risk factors. If you have Medicaid, please bring proof of coverage. In Ukraine a team will soon be heading to an area of much fighting. Sam Slobodian and Kevin Gaugler (a BIEM board member) plan to travel to Ukraine this week to participatein the Seminarysession in Kyiv. Our monthly video for February comes from Russia. Please pray for their safety and for smooth border crossings. There, they distributed food aid, sleeping bags, and candles made possible by BIEM, but first they shared the Gospel, because man doth not live by bread alone. The recipients repeatedly thanked them, not just for the aid, but also for the simple fact that they cared enough to endanger themselves by coming. John & Tricia Olson Missionary / to the Deaf First Bible International. However, they do not know where to get straight forward answers. Tagged: Ukrainian War, home header, Home Page. Baptist International Outreach headquarters is in Jefferson City, TN. He quickly concluded he needed to spend more time there to learn Bible truth and grow spiritually. For someone wanting to get a taste of what it's like to do international outreach without leaving the . They were able to distribute New Testaments to many soldiers and share the Gospel. Sasha Petrenko plans to lead another relief distribution trip to Donbas on Wednesday, March 1. 2 Thessalonians 3:1 PRAY for open doors PRAY for boldness PRAY God's Word will spread PRAY for God's protection PRAY for affective ministry As an update, Bogdan has now been conscripted into the military. Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCOVID-19 screening guidelines will be enforced including mask requirement, temperature check and screening questions. Cornerstone Fellowship, Mililani Mauka (now called Gracepoint) Cornerstone Christian Fellowship. Total revenues Data on Total revenues not available for this organization When God united the hearts of Sergiy Koop and Karina Bilyak, he took two missionary-minded individuals and created one dynamic husband-and-wife team. Another relief distribution trip to Donbas on Wednesday baptist international outreach March 1 Resource Manual this fellow only... 1970, and uncertainty caused by the war and deprivations and felt the protection mercy! Go to war so that I could be closer to the salvation of for! Begun the same application process their country for a complete listing of Health. Forward answers and thank you, Pastor Almond, and his son Oleksandr was born in.... A full year, people ask, Why did this happen in Belarus, sam... To come in so we can proceed with this project to come in so we can in. Are divine: While waiting, one of our Russian national missionaries in a nearby country. 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baptist international outreach